So, as you know, we're sweating the details around our place. Over the last week, we've been reserving a few minutes every day just to work on the 'frosting' pieces in the kitchen. One of the pieces of 'frosting' that we've completed is the cabinetry maintenance and update. No need for new cabinets; structurally, the cabinets we have are great. In fact, the complications involved in replacing our cabinets are not trivial.
So, C painted them lovingly. With the cabinets now done, the kitchen is now painted completely in one of two shades of white. One is the bright white-white glossy enamel of the woodwork. Everything else (walls, cabinets, etc) are painted this warm sort of white, like mashed potatoes after the butter has been stirred in. One's eye only sees the yellow when compared to the white enamel. Otherwise, the wall looks, well... white.
But, the yellow tone in the wall paint picks up the yellows in the existing tilework. For such a monochrome kitchen, C has done a masterful job with minute subtleties in tone and shade to create a 'monochrome' kitchen that is NOT monochromatic. Warm, and with depth... not sterile.
We swapped out all the knobs and pulls, though. As you can see in these photos, the look is at once period and also contemporary. In fact, the pulls on the bottom cabinets look like any well-appointed new-construction home in town. It's the upper cabinet latches, though, that make the case for a strongly period look!
Sage Wisdom for other husbands who're reading my blog: the happier your woman is with the 'feel' of her kitchen, the better her cooking gets. I've learned this; C truly likes using this particular kitchen.