Saturday, January 2, 2010

Thorium as an energy source?

Ongoing reading on energy issues and sustainability led me to this gem:

Nuclear Power Using Thorium, in Wired Magazine.

The synopsis: thorium is much more accessible than uranium, easier to prepare, leaves very little dangerous residue, and creates a much more controllable reaction. From the article:

“The concept of nuclear power without waste or proliferation has obvious political appeal in the US, as well. The threat of climate change has created an urgent demand for carbon-free electricity, and the 52,000 tons of spent, toxic material that has piled up around the country makes traditional nuclear power less attractive. President Obama and his energy secretary, Steven Chu, have expressed general support for a nuclear renaissance. Utilities are investigating several next-gen alternatives, including scaled-down conventional plants and “pebble bed” reactors, in which the nuclear fuel is inserted into small graphite balls in a way that reduces the risk of meltdown.”

The synopsis: thorium is much more accessible than uranium, easier to prepare, leaves very little dangerous residue, and creates a much more controllable reaction.

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