Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Memorial Day -- At Home

So, what'd we do with a stay-at-home Memorial Day?

  1. Removed moss from the roof; treated to kill
  2. Mowed the grass
  3. Treated the back yard with moss killer
  4. Painted woodwork in bedrooms and bathrooms
  5. Planted ferns in the front landscaping
  6. Cleaned gutters inside and out
  7. Deep-cleaned the whole house inside. And I mean DEEP (don't ask why)
  8. Washed ALL bed linens throughout the house (don't ask why)
  9. Took down some tree branches that were growing into the house
  10. Fed the squirrels
  11. Got all homework finished (both kids)
  12. Made progress on finishing a merit badge (R)
  13. Updated our fire safety emergency evacuation plan
  14. Detailed both cars inside and out (don't ask why)
  15. Booked a group camp for a multi-family camp out in August
  16. Watched some movies - learned to use the Redbox kiosk
  17. Repaired the vacuum cleaner
  18. Started installing new outside house lights
  19. Shopped for a new dining room table
  20. Sprayed weeds and blackberries all around the house and parking strip
  21. Slept in, believe it or not

And we spent most of Sunday at an Society for Creative Anachronism (SCA) event learning about medieval history re-enactment.

So all-in-all, it was good. Glad we didn't try to go camping. The people at the SCA event were camping at the Columbia County Fairgrounds - it was a soggy, boggy mess. Though the event was supposed to last through Monday morning, fully half the camp was packed up and driven home during Sunday afternoon.

I do wish that we'd gone to the family compound at the beach for the weekend, but there were reasons best left unsaid here for why we couldn't go. I think we made the productive best of it, though. And I must say: even though we can't get our a car into the garage yet, our house is coming together nicely. All we need to do is sell the surplus appliances and we're in the garage with one vehicle. Two by next winter? Probably!

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