Thursday, October 14, 2010

Intermission -- let's all go to the lobby....

I've said enough here for now. Once upon a time, this was an effective way to communicate outbound with my circle of people about my family. It grew out of an email newsletter I used as a way to keep everyone updated on C's cancer battle. It continued into a phase where the family worked to rebuild, recover and find a new normal.  Inbound communication *from* my people, however? Not so much.

In the past year, there has been, it seems, increasingly less to say here. Not that there's been less going on, but that the blog format just didn't seem as relevant any longer. This has been like an open diary. I'm not feeling like I'm in a place to do that right now.

So, I'm going to take a break from this. I won't shut down the blog. As an online multimedia paper trail for a crucial period in our lives, this blog is still relevant. But if you're reading, do expect me to be quiet here for some time. My guess is that very few people are still engaged with me here at all, making this an exercise in self-indulgence. Right now, I have more important issues to resolve. Respectfully.

Connect with me on FaceBook in the meantime.  I expect that my FaceBook activity will likewise change for a while, but I will continue a presence there during the intermission.

I guess that's an appropriate metaphor -- where as this online journal has been the theater of my life, FaceBook has been the lobby - close to the action but separated, and filled with a lot more chatter.

So, yes. See you in the lobby for a while...

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