Monday, July 19, 2010

Boy Scout Summer Camp

Short and sweet:

Camp Makualla Review


  • Four merit badges for R.
  • An opportunity to try the rock climbing wall even though he's technically underage.
  • The food, all things considered
  • The environs. Crescent Lake reminds me of old Spirit Lake
  • Camp was very engaging for all the boys.


  • Bugs. Mosquitoes by the gross. And they were persistent. They'd figured out that there was blood behind that bug spray so they pushed right on through. Relentless.
  • Some apparent, but unprovable, favoritism in the camp-wide competitions. Troop 22 should have placed high in the overall competition, but the camp staff seemed to enforce a "out of council" penalty. Rules and conditions often emerged after the competition, citing rules that weren't made clear at the BEGINNING.
  • Staff all on the same page regarding competitions and schedules. There's still some inconsistency in the execution of the programs

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