Thursday, July 22, 2010

R Takes Responsibility - UPDATE

As I approached home last night, after a long drive from work, and approached the turn onto our street, I saw a tall young man running toward me on the opposite side of the intersection. As he rounded the corner onto my street in front of me, I recognized him as my son. I often see my son run in a plodding, I-don't-want-to-do-this way. This time, he was running with great long strides like a distance runner. He was also carrying a bucket.

When I got parked in the driveway, R was putting the bucket away in the garage. He was beaming with a clear sense of self-satisfaction. Seems his business had a really good first day of operations.

Three hours of weeding work for his first customer netted him a check for $30, and two hours more work. It also netted R a happy and satisfied customer. And if that weren't enough, R also acquired a second customer with a weeding project. This second customer has already pre-paid R for two hours of weeding work.

The result? R has earned $70 of the $95 required to pay back his lawn mower in just three days. The irony was very clear to R -- he's almost paid off his lawn mower, but has yet to even USE his lawn mower!

He was dirty from the work, AND he was happy. He's off to the beach for some one-on-one time with the grandparents. His customers are pleased, Mom is pleased and proud.

There will be challenging days, and failures. Just not today. And that's good. A thanks to God and the Concourse for watching over R's first forays into teenage-type maturity.

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