Sunday, October 5, 2008

Weekend Update

I got to start my day with a workout at the gym. C got the kids going with the still-new routine of ballet and gymnastics on Saturday mornings. It's working better every week, this new schedule.

The rest of the afternoon was devoted to a variety of maintenance and get-ready-for-winter activities. I washed both cars, for instance. I did some basement and garage organization and cleanup. Stuff  like that.

Saturday evening was at Baha'i Star Trek night. I'll explain Star Trek nights in a future blog post. Suffice it to say they're a lot of fun and rather goofy!

There is just SUCH a sense of community evolving for us here. Tonight, for instance, C and I were reading our community newspaper, The Southeast Examiner, together. I was reading an article on the upcoming Apple Festival at the Portland Nursery when I stopped dead mid-sentence. You see, I came across a name of someone I knew from college. He's a neighbor! I haven't crossed paths with this guy since 1985 in Corvallis. He's about six blocks away. I just HAVE to look him up; even when we were college acquaintences, we never lived this close to eachother.

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