Friday, March 20, 2009

Naw Ruz

The Muslim community starts their calendar with the first day of Spring. Baha'is celebrate Naw Ruz as well: it ends the nineteen day fast. The Baha'i calendar is made up of nineteen months, with each month containing nineteen days.Of course that only adds up to 361 days...there are four days left over. Well, on the Baha'i calendar, these four days comprise the INTERCALARY DAYS, or 'inter-calendar days." The Intercalary Days happen at the end of February and mark the beginning of the nineteen day fast. On the Baha'i calendar, the year starts at the end of Intercalary Days; on the Muslim calendar, the year starts with Naw Ruz.

Confused yet?
No? Then let's keep going...

At the start of each nineteen day month, the Baha'i community convenes (think of a Quaker meeting) for a "Feast". It is at feast that we have devotions, then complete any administrative duties required of us as a community.

Tonight was the start of Naw Ruz. Feast for the SE neighborhood was held at our house. Given that we were all ending the nineteen day fast tonight, it was not just a spiritual feast but also a literal feast.

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